Solutions to Global Warming in Europe
Solutions to global warming pursued by the
European region include binding national commitments to reduce emissions, the
multi-national cap-and-trade program known as the European Union's Emission
Trading Scheme, and strong supports for its renewable energy and energy
efficiency industries.
The European region, encompassing 52 countries, bears a
significant responsibility for its historical contributions to global warming
pollution. This region is home to six of the top 20 annual global CO2 emitters,
including Russia, which ranks third globally (using 2008 data).
The European Region, however, is also home to a robust renewable
energy sector and has achieved deep renewable energy penetration. In 2009
alone, the deployment of renewable energy resources enabled the EU to reduce
its CO2 emissions by about 7 percent against 1990 levels. Furthermore, nearly
20 percent of electricity in the EU in 2009 came from renewable sources. Many
European countries appear to be on a path of reducing emissions and increasing efficiency and renewable energy—given this region's historical and current
emissions, these actions are urgently needed.
European Union Climate Commitments and Progress. In
2006, the European Union (EU), which consists of 27 members, committed to
reducing its global warming emissions by at least 20 percent of 1990 levels by
2020, to consuming 20 percent of its energy from renewable sources by 2020, and
to reducing its primary energy use by 20 percent from projected levels through
increased energy efficiency.1The EU
has also committed to spending $375 billion a year to cut greenhouse gas
emissions by at least 80 percent by 2050 compared to 1990 levels.2 The EU is meeting these goals through
binding national commitments which vary depending on the unique situation of a
given country but which average out to the overall targets. Europe has also
made important commitments to international climate finance to help developing
countries transition to low-carbon energy sources, reduce tropical
deforestation, and adapt to climate change. One noteworthy example is Norway's
commitment of $1 billion to compensate Brazil for its emissions reductions.
European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). The
European Union's Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) is the world's first, and
largest multi-national cap-and-trade program for reducing heat-trapping
emissions. This program includes 27 countries and all large industrial facilities,
including those that generate electricity, refine petroleum, and produce iron,
steel, cement, glass, and paper.
The first phase of the EU ETS—from 2005 to 2007—drew criticism
for not achieving substantial cuts in emissions, excessive allowance price
volatility and for resulting in windfall profits for some utility firms that
received carbon allowances for free but were able to pass through their full
cost to consumers in the form of higher electricity prices. These criticisms
are valid. However, the EU viewed Phase 1 as a trial learning period. The
extent to which Phase 2—which runs from 2008 to 2012—helps Europe fulfill its
commitments under the Kyoto Protocol to reduce emissions will be a better test
of the program.
Promoting Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. Europe
is home to several powerhouses of renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Norway, Austria, Portugal, Spain and Germany among others have had great
success increasing the amount of renewable energy produced in their countries
through the use of feed-in tariffs. Feed-in tariffs provide a specific,
guaranteed price for electricity from renewable energy sources—typically over a
10-20-year period. These tariffs have led to a massive increase in the amount
of renewable energy projects in these countries. Norway gets over 99 percent of
its electricity from renewable sources, often producing more than it requires
and exporting the energy to other countries. More than 16 nations in Europe
produced 15 percent or more of their electricity from renewable sources in 2007
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