Basking Shark
Cetorhinus maximus
The Basking Shark is the second largest fish in our oceans - its relative the Whale Shark being the biggest. Despite their size, Basking Sharks actually feed on plankton which they filter out of the water, swimming slowly back and forth with their enormous mouths wide open. They are most commonly seen in the summer, when they gather in British waters. Try looking from cliffs or boats offshore in the south and west.How to identify
The large, black, triangular dorsal fin moves slowly through the water, with the tail tip or snout sometimes visible above the waves, too. The Basking Shark has a massive, grey body.Where to find it
Found all around our coasts, but most frequently sited around the south-west of England, Wales, Isle of Man and west coast of Scotland.
· Marine
When to find it
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
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