NO 46 ; CHIMPANZEES ;Like us, chimps are highly social animals

Like us, chimps are highly social animals, care for their offspring for years and can live to be over 50. In fact, chimpanzees are our closest cousins; we share about 98 percent of our genes.

In their habitat in the forests of central Africa, chimpanzees spend most of their days in the tree tops. When they do come down to earth, chimps usually travel on all fours, though they can walk on their legs like humans for as far as a mile. They use sticks to fish termites out of mounds and bunches of leaves to sop up drinking water. 
WWF establishes, strengthens, and manages protected areas in Central and West Africa. In Democratic Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic, Gabon, Cameroon and other countries, we:
  •   protect chimpanzees through antipoaching and effective law enforcement
  •   help governments establish and manage national parks
  •   monitor chimpanzee populations
  •   encourage sustainable use of forest resources in park buffer zones
  •   build trans-boundary collaboration to develop partnerships between neighboring countries
We also develop chimpanzee-focused ecotourism and work to stop illegal poaching in logging concessions. WWF continues to look for ways to reduce the impact of the bushmeat trade on apes and other endangered species.

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