Whales roam throughout all of the world’s oceans, communicating with complex and mysterious sounds. Their sheer size amazes us: the blue whale can reach lengths of more than 100 feet and weigh up to 200 tons—as much as 33 elephants.
Despite living in the water, whales breathe air. And like humans, they are warm-blooded mammals who nurse their young. A thick layer of fat called blubber insulates them from cold ocean waters.
Some whales are known as baleen whales including blue, right, bowhead, sei and gray whales. This refers to the fact that they have special bristle-like structures in their mouths (called baleen) that strains food from the water. Other whales, such as beluga or sperm whales, have teeth.
Whales roam through all of the world’s oceans, communicating with complex and hauntingly beautiful sounds.
Their behavior is the most fascinating, least understood, most difficult to study, and least funded area of whale research today.
Their behavior is the most fascinating, least understood, most difficult to study, and least funded area of whale research today.
Whales are at the top of the food chain and have an important role in the overall health of the marine environment. Unfortunately their large size and mythical aura does not protect them; six out of the 13 great whale species are classified as endangered, even after decades of protection.
Collisions with ships, entanglement in fishing gear (known as
bycatch), and pollution injure and kill whales. Shipping activity and oil
and gas development cause
noise that can disrupt or even damage whales’ hearing. Such disturbance can
exclude whales from critical feeding and breeding grounds, and disrupt their
migratory paths.
a moratorium on commercial whaling and a ban on international trade of whale
products, countries such as Iceland continue to hunt whales for their markets.
Over 1000 whales a year are killed for such commercial purposes.
U.S. and other International Whaling Commission (IWC) member countries have
tried for years to persuade Iceland to end its commercial whaling—which
includes hunting of the endangered fin whale—as it undermines the effectiveness
of IWC’s commercial whaling ban. In 2011, after pressure from WWF and others,
the U.S. government officially declared Iceland in defiance of the IWC ban.
Although no sanctions were implemented, the President urged Iceland to cease
its commercial whaling activities. In 2013, Iceland resumed its fin whale hunt.
oceans and loss of sea ice in the Arctic and Antarctic can affect the habitats
and food of whales. Large patches of tiny plants and animals that they feed on
will likely move or change in abundance as climate change alters seawater
temperature, winds and ocean currents. These changes can mean whales such as
humpbacks and blues may have to migrate much further to reach feeding grounds,
leaving them with less time to forage for food. The shift in food availability
due to climate fluctuations has already hurt the reproductive rates of the
endangered North Atlantic right whale.
Collisions with ships, entanglement in fishing gear (known as bycatch), and pollution injure and kill whales. Shipping activity and oil and gas development cause noise that can disrupt or even
lobbies to bring “scientific” (hunting whales for research) and commercial
whale hunts under the strict control of the International Whaling Commission
(IWC). The IWC is the body charged with regulating whaling and addressing the
vast number of other threats to whales, dolphins and porpoises in our oceans
such as shipping, climate change, and bycatch. WWF is working to make the IWC
more effective in reducing all threats to whales.
year, thousands of whales, dolphins and porpoises become stranded on shorelines
around the world. Left unaided, many die within a day or two. In the
Philippines, about a dozen stranding events occur a year. WWF offers
stranding rescue workshops to local residents. Training includes cetacean
(whales, dolphins and porpoises) biology, identification, threats, and
conservation and rescue techniques. Since 1997, WWF has been collaborating with
leading Filipino marine mammal scientists to conduct training programs. Such
training not only helps ensure the safety of stranded whales and dolphins, it
also increases people’s appreciation for the animals and cultivates
environmental stewardship.
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